Homes in 90277 - South Redondo Beach and the Hollywood Riviera
While we’re focused primarily on Hollywood Riviera homes and real estate, many of our clients are also considering the neighborhoods of South Redondo Beach as well. The MLS below encompasses all of the homes in the 90277 area as that encompases both South Redondo as well as the Hollywood Riviera (which is actually in the city of Torrance but has a Redondo mailing address)
Welcome to real estate and homes for sale in South Redondo Beach. To get a better understanding about South Redondo and what makes it different than North Redondo visit our South Redondo real estate and community page.
If you’re just looking for the current homes for sale you’ve come to the right place. Visit this page as often as you would like as we continually update the listings. If you are looking for a specific neighborhood go to our search by Redondo Beach neighborhood or home type page. Some of the highlights of the 90277 neighborhoods are the Hollywood Riviera, The Village and Seascape oceanview condos, beachfront condos and homes on the Esplanade, the Avenues and the most affordable option in Brookside Village.